Monday 7 May 2018

best prices of catalytic converters scrap please contact 0425237879.

           There's a lot of money in scrap catalytic converters!!  
     For best prices of catalytic converters scrap                    please contact  0425237879.

I've read many articles steering people away from buying and selling scrap converters, but the truth of the matter is, there's still so much money to be made from this occupation. The bottom line is, the one that's the most creative will eventually succeed in this field. Identifying converters, I will admit, can take some time doing, but still can be done in a short amout of time. There are only 3 types of converters, After markets/universals, wrap foil, and ceramic honeycomb, that's it, just 3. Only half of the scrap converters in the U.S. makes it to the refiners, leaving the remainder laying somewhere in scrap heaps or left on vehicles prepared to be crushed. Im sure you can find guides selling on ebay, that would help you to identify these converters, but the truth of the matter is, converters are like computer software, they constantly change, and new styles hit the market about every six months, and now these universals are getting so sofisticated, that they are starting to look like OEM. Honestly, I'm glad it changes so much, it keeps the game fresh. I like to think of it as a bucking horse, either stay on or fall off! I've been buying converters for over 13 years and have trained a lot of my family to buy. Now 13 years is not to say that it takes 13 or more years to master this, to be quite frank, it only takes a few months. I've bought many converter guides, just to see if I was missing anything only to be disappointed, most of these guides cost no more than $20-$30 bucks, a pretty cheap price on something that could make you thousands and in some cases millions. I should have known looking at the prices, that the information contained in these guides would fall short of my expectations.  I came across a guide recently that peaked my curiosity, for one, the price caught my attention, around $70-$80 bucks, boasting 350 pics with descriptions such as year, make and model, which have never been done before. I thought, if this is true, this will blow the lid off, and add more competiton in the field. Well stay tune, I should be recieving it soon, and will get back with some comments. My topic will be the name of the book "scrap catalytic converter buying and selling guide". For best prices of catalytic converters please contact +61425237879.